
Solar panels from space

So after we had consulted with solar-electric professionals as well as solar-electric DIYers, and realized that hiring the professionals would require three to four times what we have budgeted for a solar electric system, synchronicity prevailed. Thanks to some very fine friends, we were able to buy two brand new 205-watt, 12-volt photo voltaic panels with a 20-year guarantee well below cost, and they are now in our barn. It was nice to see the power of common interest and community at work! And I have to say that the pickup-bed to pickup-bed transfer at Great Maine Apple Day in the pouring rain lent a delightfully wicked blackmarket air to the transaction.
NOTE: This is what cordwood guru Rob Roy would deem the result of "cultivating coincidences," which you do by putting the word out that you need something. As Roy put it in his book, Timber Framing for the Rest of Us, "the more tentacles you send out into the world, the better the chances of latching onto something."